
My Blogger experience

I believe that my experience as a Blogger was an excellent opportunity to improve my English, because always I could learn a new words or phrases in a very entertaining way, unversity stress free. I feel that never before I could really enjoy learn english as now, because when I was at the school the theory class bothered a lot and the method are very difficult, with a lot of pressure, simply learn english to pass weekly test and my previous English teacher are very bored, not interesting and the atmosphere in the classroom was not pleasant, but now, I feel that all it's better, the English "theorical" class, "theorical" because we don't have an grammatical class, we have an a kind of dialogue in the class, I think that it's better, because we can learn new words, practice english pronunciation and listening and a lot of things more. Well, also we have the "labs class" where we write many blog like this.  It's for this reason that I apprec


The Cocaine it's one of the most adictive drugs that exist today, this drug affect directly in the Central Nervous System, Physiologically this drug can inhibit dopamine transporter provoking that increase the dopamine concentrate in the synapsis space. this action provoking an increase of dopamine effect, for example, the feel of pleasure. it's for this reason that the Cocaine it's very adictive. "Cocaine". The Cocaine was very popular in the 80's and 90's, but was never could eliminated this drug in the population. Usually this drug it's very consumed to adult and older adult, but the conduct of this adult can affect an all of persons that around of this. It's for this reason that I considered this drug an priority in the society advances, because all of persons that consumed this drug affect to all of family that exist behind of this drogadict, affect economically, phsychologically, and sometime physically because one of the most habitually

My favorite subject

Well, in the university exist a lot of subject some are bored and others are very interesting, in my point of view maths subject are very bored, simply I hate maths. but exist others subject that catches my attention, for example all subject of chemistry and laboratory of chemistry, but I must recognize that other subject catch me completely , Physiology, it's one of the most interesting subject that I have studied. physiology in my university it's a theorical and very hard subject because it requires much memory, but if you achieve understand this you will know that physiology it's very entertaining and interesting. I love know how our body works. it's for this reason that I like it so much. Well, at the beginning of the semester physiology bothered me a lot, because I didn't understand my teacher, I felt the class very bored for the previous reason. but when the time passed I started to study physiology in my house so much, a few days after I achieve undestand

Dmitri Mendeleev

Dmitri Mendeleev was one of the most important Scientists in the history. He was born on 7th February in 1834 in Siberia, his life was very hard because when he was a child his father went blind and a few time later his family factory suffered a fire. He and his family had to travel to Moscú and it was at this moment that Dmitri started the Chemical study in the University, a few years later he didn't have official support with his research because the scientific world thought that Dmitri had many freedom thoughts, But still he could perform one of the most important contributions of the chemical world, The periodic table. he achievement order all chemical element with many chemical properties, he was dead in 1907 in St. Petersburg.  it's for this reason (creation of the Periodic Table) that I considered that Dmitri Mendeleev was one of the most important Scientists in this history because a lot of scientists could study with his huge advance in the scientific world

The music in my life!

I was always a lover of music, all kind of music, my parents always tell me that when I was a child, 4 or 5 years old that I always danced with any music, they says that I didn't care the kind of music, but I always danced. As time passed I didn't change, I love listen music, any kind of music, band or singer, for example "Gun's and Roses" or other kind of music in a party's like electronic music or reggaeton, it's for this reason that I don't have favorite band or singer, because I like listen a lot of music. Well, a lot of instruments caught my attention but exist one instrument that I love, the drums, I think that learn play the drums must be amazing, it's unfortunate that I could never have a drums because where I lived the neighbors were very upset with the noises. I love the music of the action movies because always they have a lot of pace. Well, when I have a lot of problems and in the most happy moments, I always end up taking refuge in

One of the most important day of my life

It's amazing all the feelings that this photograph produce inside me: maximium happiness, euphoria, gratification and a huge illusion for everything that came before.  This July 4th in 2015 one of the most important day in my life it's ocurred. My dear country, Chile it was America's Champion for the first time. I feel lucky to live this moment, in this 120 minuts I screamed, I cryed, this event thrilled me but all of this it was worth while. I don´t know who takes this photograph but I admire him. This photograph show the exactly moment to the chilean football players run to celebrate the first championship of Chile, this show the happiness of a huge Warriors, and in the other side, the frustrated Argentinian football players, however I think that I have a big lucky because many generations of people waited to see Chile Champion.  I always will appreciate to theseWarriors gave me one of the most happiness day of my life and one of the most important to the Chilean

My favourite films

I consider myself a lover of the films, watch a good film it's take me to an other world, it's for this reason that I can sit in front of the T.V during hours without blinking, I watched a lot of films that I consider a very good movie for example "the butterfly effect" or the famous saga "Harry Potter" but I must recognize that the story that I was surprized is all of the "Marvel" films, T.V series and short film. A few years ago I watched the typical movies like "Captain America" or "Iron Man" and I thought that these films were a commun action films, but when I started to understand the plot behind all of these "typical action films" I was impressed because all of these movies was connected in a fantastic way. Now I'm in love with this story because in this moment are arround 34 launch between movies, T.V series and short film, all of these are connected in one story it's awesome! and the better of this i