My Blogger experience

I believe that my experience as a Blogger was an excellent opportunity to improve my English, because always I could learn a new words or phrases in a very entertaining way, unversity stress free. I feel that never before I could really enjoy learn english as now, because when I was at the school the theory class bothered a lot and the method are very difficult, with a lot of pressure, simply learn english to pass weekly test and my previous English teacher are very bored, not interesting and the atmosphere in the classroom was not pleasant, but now, I feel that all it's better, the English "theorical" class, "theorical" because we don't have an grammatical class, we have an a kind of dialogue in the class, I think that it's better, because we can learn new words, practice english pronunciation and listening and a lot of things more. Well, also we have the "labs class" where we write many blog like this. 
It's for this reason that I appreciate the opportunity to write every blog. I really feel that write blog it's an excellent initiative that every school must repeat, I believe that this initiative will provoking a huge contribution to English learning.


  1. I think the same, this activity was very interesting and a great opportunity to improve our english vocabulary.

  2. It's a dynamic way to learn English :D


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