My Career

All my life I was very undecided person, but I always has a dream, becoming a football player.
 I grew up with a football family, my uncle was a famouse football player, It's name is  Sergio Salgado, my uncle was the pride of the family because he won the "Libertadores Cup" with Colo Colo team. This is the main reason to becoming a football player, I always wanted to be like he, but the life isn't always how you want. 
When I was 15 years old I decided focus in my studyies but I never knew what to study until a few before to do the famouse "PSU", by then I throught of becoming a doctor, engineer even lawyer. But when the results of the PSU are publicated I investigated many careers to follow and it´s the moment that I discovered my future career "Chemistry and Pharmacy" and I didn't know that I will can study this career in the most important university in my country. 
after 2 days I knew that I can entry to study in the University of Chile and it's a very important decision because I had leave of my home in Chillán and travel to Santiago. By now I'm very happy with this decision because I love my career and I convinced that this is a very good career.


  1. The most important is that you are happy now, well there bro.

  2. Oh friend. I also wanted to be football player, we should play football in the university :D

  3. I don'te believe it ... your uncle played in colo colo? Is incredible 😮😮😮


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